8.3 acres (3.36 Ha) of Agricultural Land which is currently in arable rotation, shown edged in red on the attached identification plan.
The land has the benefit of Planning Permission to erect a circa 300 sq.m (3230 sq.ft) steel portal frame agricultural building being 5m to ridge height and 3.66m to eaves height.
The land also has the benefit of on site mains water and 3 phase electricity available.
The buyer will be responsible for the cost of making the water and/or electricity connections.
The land has access right of way access across a short section of existing private wide stoned access way off New Road with shared maintenance provisions. The land has frontage to Wardleys Lane to it’s westerly boundary.
Planning Permission – Wyre Council Appln No. 21/00800/AGR approved 16.7.2021 for five years for the erection of an Agricultural Storage Building.
Tenure – Freehold with vacant possession available immediately following removal of the maize crop which is being grown under a crop licence which is a standing crop at the time of producing these sale particulars however the crop may have been harvested at the point of exchange of contracts.
Wayleaves & Easements – The land is sold subject to any existing wayleaves, easements etc which may exist, subject to legal confirmation. We have not been made aware of any such rights.
Guide Price – The land is marketed at a guide price reduced to offers over £ 180,000
Viewing – The land may be viewed during daylight hours by prior appointment with the selling agent. Location: what3words pastels.storming.title
These details do not form any part of a binding contract of sale of the land and are produced subject to contract. The vendor is not required to accept the highest or any offer made and may withdraw the property from sale.